My Bookshelf

A collection of publications that I value and highly recommend.

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    Covey argues it’s your character that needs to be cultivated to achieve sustainable success, not your personality. What we are says far more than what we say or do. The “Character Ethic” is based upon a series of principles. Covey claims that these principles are self-evident and endure in most religious, social, and ethical systems. They have universal application. When you value the correct principles, you see reality as it truly is.

  • If Disney Ran Your Hospital

    The book explains why standard service excellence initiatives in healthcare have not led to high patient satisfaction and loyalty, and it provides 9 1/2 principles that will help hospitals gain the competitive advantage that comes from being seen as "the best" by their own employees, consumers, and community.

  • Start with Why

    Sinek emphasizes that great leaders INSPIRE action, they don't MANIPULATE people to act. And they achieve this by articulating their WHY — the purpose, cause or belief behind WHAT they are doing. Sinek introduces a concept he calls The Golden Circle.

  • Michael Watkins

    The First 90 Days

    Michael Watkins describes a number of strategies that you should think about when changing jobs. Every job change leads to a change of organization, manager or responsibilities, and it is important to analyse how you have to adapt your own behaviour and actions in order to be at least as successful in this new role as in your previous role.

  • They Five Dysfunctions of a Team

    Lencioni describes the many pitfalls that teams face as they seek to "grow together". This book explores the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure.

  • The New CIO Leader

    The New CIO Leader outlines the agenda CIOs need to integrate business and IT assets in a way that moves corporate strategy forward--whether a firm is floundering, successfully competing, or leading its industry.